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Injuries Sustained While Running

Because of the nature of the sport,running injuries can be frequent and temporarily disabling. Many of the injuries result from wearing improper footwear, over-training and not warming up or not cooling down properly.To avoid running injuries, athletes should pay attention to the above factors as well as preparing their bodies to meet the physical challenges of running.

Some common injuries sustained while running are: 


Athletes who run and jump a lot may be susceptible to metatarsalgia, a type of foot injury that manifests in itself in pain and
inflammation in the ball of the foot.Wearing shoes with insoles that are too thin for running can led to this foot injury. Overpronation of foot arch or a tight high arch are also causes .Pain in the forefoot is most pronounced when the person tries to bear weight or push off. Resting and icing are helpful followed by physiotherapy and stretching and strengthening exercises.

Achilles Tendonitis

This is a common, painful condition experienced by runners who exert a lot of stress on the tendon. It is characterised by pain in the back of the heel which increases with exercise and decreases when the exercise stops. There is also difficulty in walking or raising up on the toes. If you continue to keep putting pressure on the tendon it can become chronic with a build up of adhesive tissue or in extreme cases, rupture with a loud popping sound resulting in long term rehabilitation. Therefore, the best treatment for Achilles Tendonitis initially is to rest and ice the injured foot until the pain settles. Then a physiotherapy protocol and rehabilitation program is recommended to stretch and strengthen the calf muscles.

Runner`s Knee(ilitiobial Band Syndrome)

Runner`s Knee or iliotibial band syndrome is the name given to a condition that causes pain in the outside of the knee area of the lateral epicondyle ( bony prominence on the outside of the knee). The iliotibial band is a sheath of connective tissue that runs from the outer gluteal region (buttocks) to the tibia (shin bone).It helps straighten the knee joint and move the hip sideways. As the ITB passes over the thigh bone on the outside at the knee it rubs against the lateral epicondyle or outer bony prominence of the knee, causing friction. In runners, this may lead to irritation commonly called iliotibial band syndrome. Symptoms can include increased pain while running particularly down hill, pain bending and straightening the knee or pain in the outer aspect of the knee joint and further up the outer thigh.

Shin Splints

This condition occurs at the front inside of the shin bone and results in pain at the start of exercise, fading away as the session progresses and returning when the activity ceases. Pain is usually felt when the toes or foot are bent downwards. There may also be lumps or bumps felt over the area. Treatment involves rest to allow the injury to heal. Icing and anti-inflammatories may also be helpful. Common reasons this condition can occur can be the foot stance you have such as overpronating (sole of the foot turns outwards) or oversupinating ( sole of the foot turns inwards) causing the foot to not absorb shock during running.

For these and other types of running or walking injuries for that matter, you can contact us for advice and proper diagnosis.There are many appropriate physiotherapy treatment techniques you can avail of for prompt recovery.